Even your old friends treat you like you're somethin' new:

Even your old friends treat you like you're somethin' new:
Johnny come lately (there's a new kid in town). Everybody loves you, so don't let them down.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

I'm just a natural at it. But what else is new:

Not only do I llike to hunt squirrels, but I also like to take my cousin Cletus fishing in the family lake: Lake Fancypants, and do a little fishing. We don't use rods, however. No my friends, we use our own bare hands. The above pic was taken by one of my undocumented personal assistants, because I knew if I didn't post a pic you probably wouldn't believe me.


  1. You should see the Size of the Catfish in these parts good Sir.... many well over 50lbs...!!!
    these "bottom-feeders" are often well over 20 lbs. .....
    Good to see you enjoying yourself... later my Friend...

    1. Of course, I've never really eaten one of these, being so close to the discharge pipe of the nuclear power plant. I donate them to the local orphanage though. They're so hungry they'll eat anything.

    2. Great "reply" good Sir ....
      Thanks for the much needed "Smile"
