Even your old friends treat you like you're somethin' new:

Even your old friends treat you like you're somethin' new:
Johnny come lately (there's a new kid in town). Everybody loves you, so don't let them down.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

So brave, so strong:

I would like to introduce to you my twin sister Julie. She was a cover girl in her heyday, and still graces the covers of various geriatric magazines from time to time.
Julie married Martin Andrews, who owned a chain of slaughterhouses Nationwide. Unfortunately, Martin passed away several years ago in a horrible cattle revolt (apparantly one of the undocumented employees accidentally left the gate open. The bulls saw an open door and just decided to go for it. Needless to say you can't blame the bulls for wanting to make a break for it. I guess they figured there were a hundred of them and only one Martin, so the math was definitely on their side that day). Julie never re-married, and is still suffering from the loss. She also used to sing professionally, but since Martin's untimely passing she hasn't been able to sing a note. Emotional trauma, I guess. She also seems to have a bit of trouble these days applying her makeup, as is the case above (I tried to tell her but you just can't tell her anything).
Julie now counsels other women who found themselves recently widowed, so I guess out of the bad some good usually comes. We still keep in touch every week, we'll always be close.


  1. Good Sir ,,,, yours is a Blog that I check daily ... Your post often "lift my spirits".... your creative Blog shows use that you do have "Fun" with it ... and that is what really matters....
    a Great Weekend to you and yours my Friend
