Even your old friends treat you like you're somethin' new:

Even your old friends treat you like you're somethin' new:
Johnny come lately (there's a new kid in town). Everybody loves you, so don't let them down.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Everyone needs a hobby:

One of my favorite pastimes is that I like to head out into the back 30,000 with a buddy and go squirrel hunting. I live near a nuclear power plant (okay so I own it) and because of all the radioactive "leakage" the squirrels around here get huge from eating the radioactive acorns. Above is one of my latest kills. I donated the meat to a local orphanage, I don't just hunt for the sport of it. I have my principles.


  1. It is good to see you having Fun with you new Blog....
    A great Weekend to you good Sir

    1. Yes my good man it has been a good weekend indeed. As we speak I'm having lunch in Paris, but hope to be back in Florida by dinner.
