Even your old friends treat you like you're somethin' new:

Even your old friends treat you like you're somethin' new:
Johnny come lately (there's a new kid in town). Everybody loves you, so don't let them down.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Yes money can buy anything:

I love skiing but ski resorts really aren't my "thing", so this past weekend I went to Aspen and bought a mountain. I'd tell you where it is, but my legal counsel has advised me against doing so at this time. Even though I have more money than I can count (although it's not really me who counts it. I have "people" who do that for me) I hate paying admissions. I haven't been skiing in ages, and although I was a bit rusty, I had a grand time. Yes, life is good when you can buy your own mountain, although the novelty wore off long ago since I own so many...

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